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BARC Best Practice Award 2011

A business intelligence solution implemented by b.telligent for BRITA has been awarded the BARC “Best Practice Award Business Intelligence and Data Warehousing” by an expert panel at the TDWI Conference 2011 in Munich.

The b.telligent solution to ensure the success of BRITA’s e-commerce strategy was thus able to prevail against a total of twelve submitted projects. The categories “Technology”, “Substantive Concept”, “User Orientation”, “Cost/Use Assessment” and “Innovation” were evaluated.

A special feature is the complete implementation as software as a service (SaaS) and the related beneficial cost structure of the entire project.

Since a project in the area CRM supported by b.telligent already made it into the final round in 2009, we are very happy about the award this year.

Read more about our solution.

More about b.telligent

b.telligent Group Holding GmbH
Walter-Gropius-Straße 17
80807 Munich

b.telligent Schweiz GmbH
Kanzleistrasse 57
8004 Zurich