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BARC Best Practice Award 2011 – Brita Project nominated

A BI solution to secure the success of the e-commerce strategy implemented by b.telligent for BRITA has been evaluated as positive by the panel. The special feature of the solution is its implementation as Software as a Service and the related leanness of the entire project.

Thus, b.telligent participates in the BPA for the second time in three years as the driving force behind a nominated project of a customer. At the TDWI Conference in Munich, BRITA, together with b.telligent, will present the solution to the jury in detail. The presentations will take place between 15:00 and 16:00, the award ceremony including the subsequent presentation of the winning project will take place in the course of the TDWI Conference program at 18:00.

More information about BARC and our solution.

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b.telligent Group Holding GmbH
Walter-Gropius-Straße 17
80807 Munich

b.telligent Schweiz GmbH
Kanzleistrasse 57
8004 Zurich