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In Munich for the First Time: the b.telligent BI Kongress

BI, DWH, CRM and e-commerce - featuring keynote speaker Sascha Lobo in addition to well-known best practices


Munich 10.07.2014 - b.telligent - one of the leading management consultancies for business intelligence (BI), CRM and e-commerce - organizes an own BI congress in Munich for the first time. On Thursday, 24 July 2014, executives, managers and experts from the BI, CRM and e-commerce areas meet in the Leonardo Royal Hotel Munich in order to discuss current trends and best practices. Approximately 300 participants from the marketing, IT, DWH, BI and controlling departments will get together on this day. Among others, maxdome, E.ON, BAWAG, Otto, Travian, sunrise and Sascha Lobo are represented. After the congress day, there will be a networking 'get-together' as part of b.telligent's 10th anniversary.  


300 participants are expected to attend the BI congress. The 28 best practices and presentations will be presented by the executives and managers of the represented businesses. Thus, an exclusive circle meets in order to discuss trends from the marketing, IT, DWH, BI and controlling departments. This universal perspective conveys ideas and recommendations from the various industries which can be personally discussed subsequently.  

At the BI congress, best practices are introduced and new trends from the fields of business intelligence, CRM and e-commerce are discussed. This exchange is particularly interesting in light of the fact that the event is attended by internationally operating businesses from diverse industries, such as:  

  • Amazon Web Services Germany GmbH
  • BAWAG P.S.K.
  • DAB Bank AG
  • e.dialog GmbH
  • emnos GmbH
  • E.ON Energie Deutschland GmbH
  • Google Germany GmbH
  • maxdome GmbH
  • Multi-M/it Beheer B.V.
  • N-ERGIE Aktiengesellschaft
  • Office World AG
  • Otto GmbH & Co.KG
  • Sky Deutschland Fernsehen GmbH & Co. KG
  • SunriseCommunications AG
  • Travian Games GmbH
  • zooplus AG

After the presentations, the well-known author, blogger and Spiegel Online columnist Sascha Lobo will give the keynote speech. With the topic "What One Should Know about the Internet - How Big Data and Business Intelligence are Changing Society", he explains the radical effect of digital and social networking on most industries. The large data volumes which businesses are able to use in the digital age and the right interpretation thereof harbor both chances and risks. Afterwards, the topic may be discussed in personal conversation.

On the occasion of the 10th business anniversary, b.telligent hosts a networking 'get-together' in the evening. Here, all participants have the time to discuss the new impressions and to get to know b.telligent's experts.

In addition to the presentations, the provider exhibition is also top of the range, featuring int. al. MicroStrategy, ORACLE and SAS as well as Aspect, Apteco, arcplan, Datameer, Data Virtuality, Information Builders, Pitney Bowes and webeffects.

The guests may look forward to an exciting day with 28 select presentations in an exclusive circle and top-level personal discussions.


About b.telligent

b.telligent is a management consultancy specializing in the introduction and development of business intelligence, customer relationship management and e-commerce for businesses operating in mass markets.

In this context, the focus is on the continuous optimization of business processes, customer and supplier relationships through the insights gained from the consolidation and analysis of business data across systems. Thus, margins can be increased, costs can be reduced and risks can be better controlled.

b.telligent's customers are industry leaders from the telecommunications, financial services, trade and manufacturing industries.

More about b.telligent