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Connexio Pre-Qualification Achieved

b.telligent was registered as pre-qualified supplier in Connexio. Participating energy suppliers are thus able to directly contact b.telligent as certified supplier. The linked in energy suppliers include, among others, EON, Vattenfall or EnBW.

Connexio is an online supplier information and pre-qualification system which Achilles Central Europe operates in Germany, Eastern and Central Europe on behalf of energy suppliers. For the purchasers of many energy suppliers, it is the only supplier source which is accessed via the internet. The task of Connexio is to continually monitor suppliers and thus limit the risk along the supplier chain. The pre-qualification of certain suppliers saves purchasers a lot of time and effort in searching for new suppliers.

The award of the pre-qualification is subject to a comprehensive online supplier questionnaire by which the supplier is supposed to prove that it meets certain minimum requirements in its industry. In addition, further proof has to be submitted, such as e.g. policies, certificates and official documents. Subsequently, Connexio diligently reviews this information for compliance with the prescribed criteria and awards the pre-qualification in case of a positive outcome.

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