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Customer Intelligence Experts Share their Knowledge


Munich, 18th June 2013 - With the new blog "Customer Intelligence Insights", b.telligent, one of the leading German consultancies for business intelligence, customer relationship management and e-commerce, offers interested parties the possibility to learn about intelligent solutions from daily project life in the customer intelligence environment.

Once a month, the experienced consultants of the business consultancy report on interesting and innovative projects which offer the blog reader a practice-relevant added value and in addition provide information on the optimal handling of customer intelligence projects. Users are thus regularly offered exciting and up-to-date insights, i.e. informative insights into interesting customer intelligence projects directly from practice which are prepared for the direct use in daily working life in a user-friendly manner.

The starting point of the customer intelligence experts' monthly experience reports is the presentation of the project-dependent starting situation and the detailed outlining of the problem. On this basis, individual solution approaches and the resulting strategies which finally made a decisive contribution to the project success are described step by step. Thus, the readers gain an insight into the used concept and, in addition, are given an overview of the temporal use of resources, the used technology and its practical suitability.

In addition, the reports also raise questions which only arise after the conclusion of the projects but are no less important, and the answers to which are decisive for sustainable and long-term success. Thus, it will also be important which conclusions can be drawn from the gained results, how and whether the solution scenarios can be transferred to other industries and of course which approaches result for further project processes and sustainability.

Laurentius Malter, manager with b.telligent, is evidently satisfied with the business consultancy's latest project: "From the individual problem, to the applied solution strategy and the suitable approach which successfully supported the customer up to the information on and the prospects for future projects, you will learn everything you need to know about the successful implementation of customer intelligence projects on 'Customer Intelligence Insight'".

Subscribe to the informative 'Customer Intelligence Insights' blog today via the RSS feed offered in your browser.

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