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DAB Bank standardizes Business Intelligence Reporting to OBI EE


Munich, 27.06.2014 - DAB Bank standardizes its business intelligence system environment and fully transitions its internal reporting to Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition (OBI EE). b.telligent, one of the leading German consultancies for business intelligence, customer relationship management and e-commerce in the DACH region, assisted with the implementation.

DAB Bank relies on aggressive growth based on customer satisfaction. In order to optimally achieve the business objectives, innovative and suitable business intelligence (BI) solutions are an important prerequisite for the direct bank. By means of these solutions, decisions can be made on the basis of current data and figures and marketing campaigns can be optimally managed.

DAB Bank chose OBI EE 11g as uniform reporting platform. Previously, multiple BI tools had been used. SAP BusinessObjects XI.R3.1. (BO) was used for inquiries from the data warehouse (DWH); in addition, DAB used OBI EE in conjunction with the customer relation management system Siebel. The parallel operation of the two systems doubled the expenses for updates, development and maintenance. The challenge consisted of migrating the BO universe to OBI EE in such a way that the requirements of DAB are met at the best possible rate. The information from the various data sources and applications of the complex DWH had to be holistically provided for the new reporting tool and the existing BO reports had to be migrated.


Multiple benefits through one standardized Reporting Tool

By means of the uniform transition to OBI EE, DAB Bank obtains a stable and future-proof BI environment. The business benefits in various ways:

The slimmer processes reduce costs. Savings result from lower project and maintenance expenses. The users in the various departments also benefit from the transition because they are no longer required to work with multiple tools. The standardized reporting front end simplifies usability and access to data of different origins for the users. Further, the license terms are more beneficial for the users. Overall, a higher performance is possible in standardized reporting, in individual and complex ad-hoc analyses and in effect-based controlling by means of dashboards.

Martin Schinharl, IT business unit manager of DAB Bank AG, is very satisfied with the completion of the project: "b.telligent has assisted us with great technical and substantive professionalism as strong partner in customizing the new OBI EE according to our individual requirements. Thus, our BI solution conforms to our high demands regarding quality and performance. Overall, our business processes benefit from the standardized reporting tool."

The individual requirements of DAB Bank were at the center point of the transition to OBI EE, as is emphasized by Helene Fuchs, project manager of b.telligent: "The task was technically demanding as the structure of the data of the underlying DWH - which are reproduced in OBI EE - is extremely complex. The close and very collegial cooperation was the prerequisite for the very good result of the uniform transition to OBI EE."


On DAB Bank    

DAB Bank ( offers individual and independent asset managers innovative products and services regarding investments, trading and banking. The direct bank operates in Germany and - via its subsidiary - in Austria. As per 31 March 2014, it managed assets of 33.59 billion Euros for 628,006 customers across the group. DAB Bank with seat in Munich was formed as first direct broker in Germany in 1994.


On b.telligent

b.telligent is a management consultancy specializing in the introduction and development of business intelligence, customer relationship management and e-commerce in businesses operating in mass markets.

The focus in this context is the continuous optimization of business processes, customer and supplier relationships by means of the insight gained from the consolidation and analysis of business data across systems. Thus, margins can be increased, costs can be lowered and risks can be better controlled.

b.telligent's customers are market leaders in telecommunications, financial services, trade and industry.

More about b.telligent