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Donating for Christmas 2013 today

b.telligent doubles your donation to Global H2O

b.telligent has already donated to Global H2O for Christmas 2011 and 2012. Because of that, the Non-Profit Organization was able to permanently supply the villagers in a Ugandan village with drinking water.

After the successfully implemented projects, b.telligent and Global H2O are commencing the fund-raiser for Christmas 2013 early, i.e. in January 2013. Donate to Global H2O and b.telligent will double every cent. Our goal is to raise EUR 8,000 until the end of the year. In case the sum is doubled, two additional fountains could be built by Global H2O in the developing countries.

Global H2O - Clean Drinking Water for Everyone

Global H2O is a global initiative for clean water of "The Wilde Foundation" - an international Non-Profit Organization working towards clean water and sanitary installations for the rural population in the whole world.

The lack of clean drinking water is the largest health hazard in developing countries. Almost half of the population in affected countries suffers from health problems caused by polluted drinking water. In order to fight this problem, the initiative Global H2O was established in 2009.

The initiative conducts certain projects in order to permanently improve the water supply in developing countries, supports the preparations and assists with the technical installation of facilities. Water resources are created by building fountains, rain water collection systems and spring boxes which enable the residents to permanently access clean water.

The current projects of the organization include the building of a fountain with a pump system in Kitgum Matidi Uganda in order to enable the local hospital to access clean water. Moreover, a school in Uganda is supposed to receive 15 additional water collection facilities.

The drinking water problem entails a lot of additional severe problems in affected countries. On the one hand, it is the primary reason for epidemics and disease. Further, however, it is also one of the main reasons why children cannot attend school, as well as one of the main reasons for the decrease in the productivity of work performance and violence against women.

Join us and donate to Global H2O!

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