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Give Clean Drinking Water as a Christmas Present 2013 with a Donation to Global H2O

Annual fundraising campaign by b.telligent

b.telligent has already donated to Global H2O for Christmas 2011 and 2012. With the donated money, the non-profit organization was able to build a drinking-water well which permanently supplies villagers in Uganda with drinking water. In 2013, b.telligent would like to continue this honorable tradition and has already started the fundraising campaign for Christmas 2013 last January.

b.telligent doubles your donation to Global H2O

A special incentive for potential donators this year is the added benefit that b.telligent will match every donated cent. Our objective is to raise EUR 8,000 by the end of the year and to match this amount. Support us in achieving this objective, because by doubling the sum, two more drinking-water wells can be built by Global H2O in the developing countries. In addition to a permanent supply with clean drinking water, this also means an immediate improvement of the living conditions of the inhabitants and a minimization of the health risks which are caused by contaminated water.

Donating together with b.telligent and saving lives

The lack of clean drinking water still is the largest health risk in developing countries. Almost half of the population in the affected countries suffers from health problems and diseases caused by contaminated drinking water. More than three million people die every year as a result of diseases which are caused by drinking water problems - the majority of these are children. Help fighting this problem, donate for clean drinking water in developing countries and save lives with your donation, which will be matched by b.telligent.

Global H2O - clean drinking water for everybody

Global H2O is an international non-profit organization which, since its establishment in 2009, pursues the objective of providing clean water and sanitary facilities for the rural population worldwide.

In order to permanently improve the water supply in developing countries, the initiative conducts certain projects, supports preparations and assists with the technical installation of facilities. By building drinking-water wells, rain water collection systems and "spring boxes", water resources have been created which enable the inhabitants the permanent access to clean water.

The current projects of the organization include the building of a fountain with a pump system in Kitgum Matidi, Uganda, in order to enable the local hospital to access clean water. In addition, a school in Uganda is to receive 15 additional water collection facilities.   

The drinking water problem causes many additional serious problems in the affected countries. On the one hand, it is the main reason for epidemics and diseases. Furthermore, however, it is also one of the main reasons why children cannot go to school, productivity of work performance declines and violence is used against women.  

Join us and donate today!

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