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iService Initiative for modern Customer Service


In addition to b.telligent, the circle of founders includes the Business Intelligence Group, corporate quality, ITyX and Lithium


Munich, 29 November 2012 – Certain select technology providers and consultancies are serious about their “Alliance for Cross-Linked Customer Service” in light of the innovation backlogs of new digital service concepts. According to the Institute for Customer Experience Management (i-CEM), the founder circle of the “i-Service Initiative” consists of half a dozen businesses, as the spokesman of the Institute Rainer Kolm announced after the founding meeting of the businesses in Frankfurt.

 “The i-Service Initiative wants to make a contribution to the reduction of innovation barriers. We want to encourage businesses and governmental agencies to seize the change of consumers’ communication behavior as an opportunity to simplify and expedite their service processes”, explains Kolm.

According to Kolm, there have always been disruptive technologies which have changed communication and user habits within short time; mobile internet and social networks have expedited the change of the communication society with so far unprecedented dynamics. “There are many new concepts to improve and automate service processes by means of mobile terminals and intelligent applications (Apps). With the i-Service Initiative, we want to risk a glimpse into the service future”, says Kolm.

 Going forward, the participating experts Bernd Engel (b.telligent), Dr. Peter Gentsch (B.I.G.), Dominique Hess (Lithium), Holger Kayser (Corporate Quality) and Andreas Klug (ITyX) intend to take up service examples from business life which distinguish themselves from “mainstream” by customer benefits, efficiency and level of innovation. 

 The Alliance is open for further businesses. “With the i-Service Initiative, we firstly wanted to establish a joint platform and report about interesting new concepts”, says Rainer Kolm. The iService Initiative will operate the blog as from today.

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