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Looking back on the CCW 2014

From Monday, 18 February 2014, to Thursday, 20 February 2014, the CCW, the international congress fair for customer service, communication and call center, took place in Berlin for the 16th time. b.telligent, one of the leading management consultancies for business intelligence, customer relationship management and e-commerce in the DACH region, also participated in the CCW (this year featuring the motto "We create Dialogue") as an exhibitor for the second time.

The CCW - Call Center World Berlin

Europe's largest trade fair for know-how transfer, networking, suppliers and service providers relating to customer service and contact center management registered a new high of trade fair visitors in 2014: Approximately 7,600 participants attended the Berliner Estrel Convention Center in order to learn about services, products and strategies for modern communication and service channels.  The internationality of the trade fair exhibitors also continued to increase. Thus, 250+ businesses from 18 countries presented themselves and introduced their latest technologies and product innovations in exciting presentations.

"We create Dialogue"

The fully booked trade fair started on 18 February under the motto "We create Dialogue". Over a period of three exhibition days and spread over five halls, it gave all visitors the opportunity to inform themselves about all products and innovations which affect the industry. Again this year, the CCW offered the trade fair participants a broad range of possibilities to find out how the service world has already changed , which developments still await the industry and which measures and tools are required in order to be well-equipped for the future. Thus, the visitors did not only receive insights into the quickly and continuously developing call center industry at the booths, but also in presentations, guided tours throughout the day and during networking. The CCW 2014 ended successfully with an evening event full of interesting meetings and an attractive entertainment program in a cozy networking atmosphere.

b.telligent at the CCW 2014 in Berlin

b.telligent again took the opportunity to introduce itself to thousands of visitors and interested expert parties from the industry and to present the latest trends, developments and products at the CCW 2014 with a booth and presentations. Bernd Engel, Sales Director with b.telligent, was represented on the first exhibition day with a presentation on the topic "Big Data in the Real World with Real Applications" and on the second exhibition day with a 45-minute presentation on the topic "Customer Management 2014". Sonja Goldbrunner, head of marketing & communication with b.telligent, sums up: "With our trade fair booth and our presentations, we received great feedback from the participants of the CCW and were able to form numerous valuable contacts in order to be able to continue to be as active in the call center market. Once again in 2014, the CCW has been a very successful event." 

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