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Partnership with QlikTech expands b.telligent’s Portfolio


Business Discovery Platform QlikView for Mobile BI and Social BI


Munich, 19. September 2012 – b.telligent, one of the leading management consultancies for business intelligence, customer relationship management and e-commerce, intensifies the cooperation with QlikTech (NASDAQ: QLIK) with the partnership as solution provider. QlikTech is one of the leading enterprises for business discovery, i.e. for user-controlled business intelligence. Specifically, b.telligent expands the portfolio by the business discovery platform QlikView which supplements b.telligent’s service and solution portfolio in the areas of mobile business intelligence, consumerization of business intelligence and social business intelligence.

QlikView enables users to independently compile data from different sources and to analyze this data in the sense of “Self Service BI”. Apart from the easy handling, the user-friendliness is marked by the fact that the user may also move outside of pre-defined analysis paths while retaining control over and track of the data.

With QlikView, b.telligent offers an intuitive, user-controlled business discovery approach to assist in decision making, in particular for specialist departments. Not only is it possible to quickly create simple applications. Complex business applications illustrating various views of the business and supporting large user groups can also be created in a fraction of the time which would be required by traditional business intelligence systems.

On September 20, QlikView will give customers and interested parties the chance to experience QlikView live during the Business Discovery World Tour in Düsseldorf. b.telligent will also personally introduce the service and solution portfolio at the location.

“With QlikView, we won a globally growing product, which has already been classified numerous times as in the leader quadrant of the Business Intelligence Platform Magic Quadrant Report, for our portfolio” says Sebastian Amtage, founder and managing partner of b.telligent. “Thus, we once again emphasize our claim to high-quality partnerships for the success of our customers.”

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