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Review Campus Fair in Düsseldorf with b.telligent

Top Job Business celebrates its premiere at the campus fair in Düsseldorf

On 22 May 2013, b.telligent participated as an exhibitor at the Heinrich Heine University Campus Fair for the first time. Here, students, graduates and 60 businesses are offered the opportunity to meet and to exchange information. The fair forms the perfect setting for the exhibiting businesses - local, as well as national and international groups – to introduce employment perspectives and career entry opportunities to students and graduates. In return, potential junior employees from all fields are thus given the ideal chance to get to know future employers better.

Heinrich Heine University Recruiting Fair

In recent years, the fair has already established itself as the leading recruiting fair for students in Düsseldorf. Both the number of exhibiting businesses and the number of participating students could be increased continuously. In the past year, more than 60 businesses from various industries presented themselves and more than 2,500 visitors informed themselves about employment prospects and the right career entry at the fair booths and in presentations.

The experts for Business Intelligence, CRM and E-Commerce at the recruiting days

b.telligent – one of the leading management consultancies for business intelligence, customer relationship management and e-commerce in the DACH region – also used the opportunity to meet future employees in person at the recruiting day in Düsseldorf.

Mareike Schumacher, in charge of HR & Recruiting with b.telligent, summarizes: “We had very many interesting and informative conversations with students at our booth. In addition to short conversations on b.telligent’s business activity and entry opportunities, time and again we also had the opportunity to get to know some of the students and their career aspirations closer by in-depth conversations.”

Because she knows: In addition to the professional requirements, qualifications and topic-related specializations, the ability to work in a team and interpersonal factors such as good cooperation or a positive work atmosphere are becoming more and more important. Because it is not only the applicant who must be a good match for the business, but the business must also be a good match for the applicant. Thus, the Campus Fair in Düsseldorf offers the perfect opportunity for an initial contact every year.

“Thank you” to Düsseldorf

At this point, b.telligent would like to thank the students once again for the numerous interesting conversations during the Campus Fair. In addition, a big thank you to the organization team of Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf Campus Fair for a very nice and successful fair day.

Please click here for information on the entry opportunities and current openings. For further questions please contact us.

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