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Confluent Streaming Event 2019 in Frankfurt

Meet us on November 11 at the Confluent Streaming Event in the Steigenberger Frankfurter Hof in Frankfurt and hear from experts how you can solve problems at scale.

Start using an event-streaming platform at the heart of your architecture right away!

The Confluent platform is the enterprise solution for Apache Kafka. It enhances Apache Kafka with community and commercially licensed products. Confluent was founded by the inventors of Apache Kafka and continues to drive its development forward.

Apache Kafka was created by LinkedIn and is currently being used for a wide variety of tasks by companies of all sizes. It connects data systems, delivers event-driven application data and decouples services. It solves legacy problems and opens up new opportunities to meet the growing demands of impatient customers.

Find out more about why today's industry leaders are using event streaming and Confluent.

Enjoy some stimulating presentations from Confluent experts, customers and partners. Take advantage of the opportunity to exchange opinions and know-how with other attendees and to make new business contacts.

We especially recommend the lecture of our colleagues Frank Schmidt and Christian Schroer with the title "Clash of Cultures: Agile Microservices & Business Intelligence" from 4:45 pm - 5:20 pm. Learn how metadata and code generation based on the confluent Platform enable an automated loading path from microservice to end-user reporting.

b.telligent as sponsor at the Confluent Streaming Event in Frankfurt

Staff members Frank Schmidt, competence center manager for big data & DevOps, and Christian Schroer, lead architect, will be there to represent b.telligent. Please feel free to contact us in advance to arrange a meeting. We look forward to talking to you personally!

Register now to secure your ticket!