The digital product passport - the opportunity for compan
A big opportunity for data-driven companies? – The digital product passport!
Performance insights via the MRM monitoring component
How to know more than your controller? Reports and intelligent dashboards allow you can take your marketing management to the next level!
Automating marketing workflows with MRM software
Automate marketing workflows and increase efficiency? We will show you how to optimize marketing processes with MRM and always remain up-to-date.
A MRM software solution’s planning component
What are the advantages of planning marketing with an MRM tool? How to obtain an overview of your marketing activities? We will show how!
Marketing resource management: An overview of providers
Do you find marketing management via Excel old-school? We do too! That's why we'll show how you can do better with marketing resource management (MRM).
May the MarTech be with you – but how?
In the final article in our journey through MarTech, we'd like to offer you another short guide: four steps to a successful CRM strategy.
What's the relationship between cookies and consent?
Consent to the use of data from websites, apps, etc. – everyone wants it, but who really documents it properly? We reveal how it should be done!
Consent management: How can I use my customers' data?
Anyone using data needs consent to do so – preferably obtained via a system that is transparent, properly documented, convenient and automated. Is that
MarTech architecture: A map in the technology labyrinth
How can one counter the increasing complexity in marketing? Very simple: With a map! Our MarTech architecture provides orientation!
The do's and don'ts of selecting a marketing cloud
Wie Du die Stolpersteine beim Einsatz einer Marketing Cloud umgehen kannst, zeigt Dir dieser Blogbeitrag!
Automating marketing processes with MRM software
Are your marketing processes efficient? Or do you spend a lot of time on control & communication instead of value-adding work?
MarTech Capabilities
In this article we ask the question: Which setup do I need to actually make my MarTech stack operational?
MarTech: What the trend promises – and what it delivers
In this article you will learn more about the meaning and function of MarTech and how you can implement the tool in your company.
Reducing Complexity in Campaign Management
Coordinate all marketing resources perfectly with targeted marketing resource management within the framework of campaign management - read on now!
CDP – the new silver bullet in marketing? - Part 3
Find out which factors you should focus on when evaluating customer data platform tools in the third article of our CDP blog series!
CDP – the new silver bullet in marketing? - Part 2
In the second part of our CDP blog series you can find out which projects a CDP fits to and which use cases are used for which CDP categories!
Customer data platform - overview of categories
What classifications of Customer Data Platforms are there actually among the tool providers on the market? Our colleague Alexander Nitsche explains!
CDP - the new silver bullet in marketing? - Part 1
You want to know the difference between CDP and Marketing Automation? Read the first part of our blog series about Customer Data Platforms!
7 factors for successful marketing automation
In this blog post, Laurentius Malter explains the successful introduction of marketing automation by a step by step guide.
Next Best Activity at the Inbound Call Center
Dr. Wolfgang Leußer shows in this post how a best possible customer management in the energy industry can successfully succeed despite a lack of contact.