
You can find tangible know-how, tips & tricks and the point of view of our experts here in our blog posts

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Terraform: Infrastructure as Code – Handling External Changes
Terraform: Infrastructure as Code – Handling External Changes

Terraform: Infrastructure as Code – Handling External Changes

You want to manage your infrastructure with Terraform, but then it happens – manual changes are made, and you need to find a solution. How to handle this depends on the specific case.

One of Terraform’s greatest strengths is its ability to handle changes made outside its managed resources. The keywords are: data, import, removed, ignore_changes, lock, variables.

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Framework for SAP Data Integration: Flexible, Efficient, Scalable
Framework for SAP Data Integration: Flexible, Efficient, Scalable

Framework for SAP Data Integration: Flexible, Efficient, Scalable

SAP data integration is complex: performance issues, storage limitations, and third-party system integration pose significant challenges for businesses. With our flexible framework, you can create a powerful and scalable solution that seamlessly complements SAP BW and S/4HANA—efficient, future-proof, and cost-effective.

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Extending AWS Redshift’s Data Processing With AWS Compute Services
Extending AWS Redshift’s Data Processing With AWS Compute Services

Extending AWS Redshift’s Data Processing With AWS Compute Services

Learn how to extend AWS Redshift capabilities with minimal complexity by using Lambda, Fargate, and SQS.

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Fabric Security: More Than Just Private Endpoints?
Fabric Security: More Than Just Private Endpoints?

Fabric Security: More Than Just Private Endpoints?

Many security considerations involving Azure revolve primarily around network security. Other important security aspects to be considered in the context of Microsoft Fabric are indicated below.

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SAP Data Integration Into Microsoft’s Azure Cloud
SAP Data Integration Into Microsoft’s Azure Cloud

SAP Data Integration Into Microsoft’s Azure Cloud

General Requirements of Enterprises

Many companies with SAP source systems are familiar with this challenge: They want to integrate their data into an Azure data lake in order to process them there with data from other source systems and applications for reporting and advanced analytics. The new SAP notice on use of the SAP ODP framework has also raised questions among b.telligent's customers. This blog post presents three good approaches to data integration (into Microsoft's Azure cloud) which we recommend at b.telligent and which are supported by SAP.

First of all, let us summarize the customers' requirements. In most cases, enterprises want to integrate their SAP data into a data lake in order to process them further in big-data scenarios and for advanced analytics (usually also in combination with data from other source systems). 

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Fabric Security: Potentials & Limits of the Network Setup
Fabric Security: Potentials & Limits of the Network Setup

Fabric Security: Potentials & Limits of the Network Setup

How can I integrate data sources that are secured via private endpoints into Fabric? How do I deal with Azure Data Lakes behind a firewall? This blog post shows the possibilities which Fabric Nativ offers

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Sizing and Scaling Azure AI Search
Sizing and Scaling Azure AI Search

Sizing and Scaling Azure AI Search

Azure AI Search, Microsoft’s top serverless option for the retrieval part of RAG, has unique sizing, scaling, and pricing logic. While it conceals many complexities of server based solutions, it demands specific knowledge of its configurations.

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Efficient Distance Joins in Polars
Efficient Distance Joins in Polars

Efficient Distance Joins in Polars

Polars: Develop Faster, Execute Faster

Polars, the Pandas challenger written in Rust, is much faster, not only in executing the code, but also in development. Pandas has always suffered from an API that "grew historically" in many places. Polars is completely different: it ensures significantly faster development, since its API is designed to be logically consistent from the outset, carefully maintaining stringency with every release (sometimes at the expense of backwards compatibility). Polars can often easily replace Pandas: for example, in Ibis Analytics projects and, of course, for all kinds of daily data preparation tasks. Polars’ superior performance is also helpful in interactive environments like Power BI.

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Data Platform Migration
Data Platform Migration

Data Platform Migration

As part of their current modernization and digitization initiatives, many companies are deciding to move their data warehouse (DWH) or data platform to the cloud. This article discusses from a technical/organizational perspective which aspects areof particularly important for this and which strategies help to minimize anyrisks. Migration should not be seen as a purely technical exercise. "Soft" factors and business use-cases have a much higher impact.

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Build Bridges: SAP BW Meets Microsoft Power Bi
Build Bridges: SAP BW Meets Microsoft Power Bi

Build Bridges: SAP BW Meets Microsoft Power Bi

You’re probably in the same boat as many of our clients facing a challenge: how best to integrate SAP BW (SAP Business Warehouse) as the data source for Microsoft Power BI (Power BI). It’s not always an easy task, since it requires due attention to diverse factors, potential challenges, and possible ways to tune performance.

We have compiled a thorough guide of best practices and limits, underscored by our extensive in-depth experience into integrating Power BI with SAP BW. Now we offer you a brief insight in this blog.

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AWS-Based IoT Kick-Starter Platform
AWS-Based IoT Kick-Starter Platform

AWS-Based IoT Kick-Starter Platform

Lack of resources or technical challenges are often hurdles to establish the value and viability of IoT use cases, and present them later to project sponsors. Even for simple IoT use cases, sometimes weeks instead of days may be needed to produce tangible results. In this blog, we’ll present our IoT kick-starter platform that makes it possible to technically assess simple IoT use cases within a few days.

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Automated Image Processing: A Standard Architecture
Automated Image Processing: A Standard Architecture

Automated Image Processing: A Standard Architecture

The PoC has been made, a model ready for production has been trained, and the showcase has inspired all stakeholders. But in order for business cases to be realized with the model, it (and the related processing) must be embedded in the existent (cloud) landscape.

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