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PASS Summit 2019 in Seattle

Another PASS Summit is being held in Seattle between 5 and 8 November. One of the speakers will be our lead expert Thomas Martens, who will be discussing the topic of Power BI.


Acquire technical skills and knowledge in architecture, data management and analytics. Leading data experts will inform you and help you to advance your data career.


Data is the basis for making business decisions.

So don't miss this opportunity to expand your knowledge of the latest technologies in your field and strengthen your team-working skills to get the most out of your network.


During his 75-minute presentation, lead expert Thomas Martens will explain Power BI's important performance optimization feature, its advantages, and everything you need to know to work with it.

Thomas Martens is an outstanding MSFT data platform MVP who works as lead expert at b.telligent. He has been supplying business intelligence, data warehousing and analytics solutions for over 20 years. He helps companies become more data-driven.

This event is aimed particularly at Power BI architects and MSFT data platform specialists with knowledge of analysis services and BI landscapes.


Get your ticket for the PASS Summit 2019 now and gain valuable insights into the many aspects of the Microsoft data platform. We look forward to your visit!


 Click here to register