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Old Meets New: Client Technologies for arcplan 8
Old Meets New: Client Technologies for arcplan 8

Old Meets New: Client Technologies for arcplan 8

With the new version, significant innovations have been implemented in arcplan 8 which have a very positive influence on future projects involving the arcplan product suite.

The new HTML5 client and the responsive design must be mentioned here. They make developments of BI applications for mobile terminals significantly more efficient; this also applies to desktop applications.

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Location Based Advertising
Location Based Advertising

Location Based Advertising

Starting Situation

The modern market is overcrowded by a variety of providers of goods and services. Many of them try to reach the customer not only via traditional ways, such as e.g. billboards in the streets or shop windows, but also online. One type of online marketing is location based advertising (LBA) which is sent to the customers' mobile terminals. In this context, it is decisive that the dispatch is aligned with the customers' location. Thus, the customer receives an offer at the time he/she is in the vicinity of a promotion location. The rule for location based advertising is: "Right offer, right location, right time".

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Proset - Research Project
Proset - Research Project

Proset - Research Project

The Technical University Munich (TU Munich), ETH Zurich and b.telligent haven been working on the PROSET research project for three years from February 2011 to February 2014. The project centered on questions which cannot usually be pursued in everyday working life due to lack of time. In this context, questions which are not only relevant for practice, but also bring to light new findings for research are raised. In the PROSET project, we have concentrated on the question of increasing productivity by means of service experience management.

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arcplan Meets Hichert: Uniform Scaling Of Graphics
arcplan Meets Hichert: Uniform Scaling Of Graphics

arcplan Meets Hichert: Uniform Scaling Of Graphics

In presentations and in reporting, the primary purpose of graphics is to convey information quickly and efficiently. That means that graphics are supposed to illustrate important messages, such as e.g. trends, deviations, patterns and conspicuous behavior such as peaks, outliers etc. at a glance. This applies in particular if the objective is to use the Hichert©SUCCESS Rules in presentations and in reporting.

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Best Practice in CRM: Evaluation of a Sustainable Campaign Management System in the Financial Sector
Best Practice in CRM: Evaluation of a Sustainable Campaign Management System in the Financial Sector

Best Practice in CRM: Evaluation of a Sustainable Campaign Management System in the Financial Sector

Starting Situation

A customer operating in the financial sector has been using a proprietary CI tool for conducting direct marketing campaigns for some time. This has been tailored to the individual needs of the client over the years and constantly updated. However, as the requirements posed on the solution by the department have grown disproportionately over time, the proprietary development did not meet the latest requirement analysis of the department.

In an internal project, it was e.g. determined that the user interfaces can no longer be expanded with reasonable effort. Thus, as a result of the requirement analysis, it was resolved to replace the proprietary development with a new, external and sustainable campaign management solution. Accordingly, b.telligent was retained in order to conduct an evaluation of external campaign management solutions within a fixed time period.

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Efficient CRM Success Measurement in Case of a ‘Video on Demand’ Supplier
Efficient CRM Success Measurement in Case of a ‘Video on Demand’ Supplier

Efficient CRM Success Measurement in Case of a ‘Video on Demand’ Supplier

Starting Situation

Despite the functioning implementation of CRM tools, an efficient success reporting is essential for the evaluation and future strategic alignment of marketing measures. A well-known leading provider in the VoD (video on demand) field has already been using CRM measures for some time now, but due to a lack of monetary success measurement, there is no information about the performance of the campaigns rolled out so far. This lack of economically relevant data is thus similar to a flight without route and radar.

The CRM reporting in place at the outset of the project only insists of information provided by the email marketing provider, such as dispatch quantity, opens, clicks etc. and does not provide any information e.g. about a financial or qualitative success of a campaign.

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Tips & Tricks: Individual Selection as Performance Optimizer or Killer
Tips & Tricks: Individual Selection as Performance Optimizer or Killer

Tips & Tricks: Individual Selection as Performance Optimizer or Killer

In arcplan, the individual selection constitutes a fixed list of elements which were selected by the developer. Up to arcplan Enterprise 6, a database query for an individual selection did not take place. Thus, this could be used for performance optimizations or for a pre-selection. However, customers frequently requested an add-on for updating the displayed texts.  As a database query did not take place, there was no update here, either. For example, a typo corrected in the database was not updated in a performance indicator as it was not screened against the database. From a performance perspective, this was optimal, as well.

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Cross-Selling And Up-Selling Strategies For Call Centers
Cross-Selling And Up-Selling Strategies For Call Centers

Cross-Selling And Up-Selling Strategies For Call Centers

Starting Situation

Cross- and up-selling in the call center are long-established methods to make additional profits. However, the increase in turnover due to cross-selling should not be detrimental to the service level.

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Customer Intelligence in Existing Customer Management
Customer Intelligence in Existing Customer Management

Customer Intelligence in Existing Customer Management

Starting Point

Price transparency, low barriers to switching and predatory competition – these are the main challenges energy suppliers have to overcome. The retention of new and existing customers and thus preserving the most valuable asset is a critical success factor in competition. Based thereon, the strategic objective of one of the world’s largest private electricity and gas businesses, leading in Germany, thus is: Do not lose more private customers than can be won, i.e. avoid terminations by customers.

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Forward-Looking Campaign Management in Online Gaming
Forward-Looking Campaign Management in Online Gaming

Forward-Looking Campaign Management in Online Gaming

The daily increasing competition does not only require the development of new and intelligent marketing strategies in industries such as e.g. telecommunications and financial services; campaign management is also becoming increasingly important in the online gaming sector.

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Retention & WinBack
Retention & WinBack

Retention & WinBack

Starting Situation

Regardless of the industry - the focus is always on the customer. The objective of every business is to win and retain customers and to ultimately increase their value. For many businesses, customer loyalty and winback are standard processes. Whereas other businesses may have focused on only one of the two processes, unaware potential of the other. However, even if both processes exist in one business, they are largely handled independently of one another.

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Increasing Campaign Profitability by Introducing SAS Marketing Optimization
Increasing Campaign Profitability by Introducing SAS Marketing Optimization

Increasing Campaign Profitability by Introducing SAS Marketing Optimization

Starting Situation

Campaign planning in direct marketing is very complex due to a large product variety, various distribution channels and differentiation according to customer groups.
In addition, there are the restrictions due to the company-internal contact strategy and the desire to maximize the aggregate turnover of the various campaigns.

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