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12. TDWI Roundtable in Nuremberg

You are invited to the free TDWI Roundtable in Nuremberg on May 15th and an evening of interesting lectures on the topic of BI in the cloud.

The TDWI organizes roundtables all over Germany to bring together professionals interested in discussing the business intelligence latest trends and opportunities.

Highlights of the agenda

Several companies will be giving presentations during the course of the evening. Take your time and experience some of the highlights.

We particularly recommend the presentation at 6:30 pm by our colleague Christian Niembs, head of our competence center enterprise reporting, entitled "Lift & Shift - BI/DWH opportunities in the cloud".

Enjoy and benefit from an evening filled with innovation, knowledge and networking opportunities at this event in Nuremberg

The agenda

6:00 - 6:15 pmRegistration and reception: Prof. Dr. Jens Albrecht, Christian Langmayr, Prof. Roland Zimmermann
6:15 - 6:30 pmIntroduction to the TDWI: Prof. Dr. Jens Albrecht
6:30 - 7:15 pmLift & Shift - BI/DWH opportunities in the cloud: Christian Niembs, b.telligent
7:15 - 8:00 pmSnowflake - the Data Warehouse built for the Cloud: Thomas Scholz, Snowflake
8:00 - 8:15 pmDiscussion
8:15 - 9:00 pmNetworking

b.telligent as a member of the TDWI Roundtable in Nuremberg

b.telligent staff member Christian Niembs, head of our competence center enterprise reporting, will represent b.tellligent at the TDWI Roundtable. Feel free to arrange a meeting in advance.


Are you interested in attending this event?

Register now.
We look forward to seeing you there!

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