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Snowflake Dataworld Tour Berlin


STATION Berlin, Luckenwalder Str. 4-6, 10963 Berlin

Target group

Data engineers, data analysts, enterprise data architects, technical and business executives, IT managers, AI/ML specialists, developers


This Event is free of charge 

Meet us at the Snowflake data world tour in Berlin! Discuss the latest AI trends with data experts and gain unique insights into Snowflake's latest developments. Take advantage of an extensive program of workshops and presentations, as well as live demos from Snowflake's engineering and product teams. Connect with industry experts and learn how some of the world's best-known enterprises are transforming their industry with the Snowflake AI data cloud.

During the event you will have the opportunity to:


  • Learn how your colleagues are driving their data initiatives
  • Learn about the latest innovations in the AI data cloud and what comes next
  • Choose from a variety of breakout sessions presented by customers, experts and partners
  • Connect with local data forerunners, Snowflake customers and technology partners to network and find out how you can create more value from your data

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