
You can find tangible know-how, tips & tricks and the point of view of our experts here in our blog posts

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PROSET – Productivity Increase by Service Experience Management
PROSET – Productivity Increase by Service Experience Management

PROSET – Productivity Increase by Service Experience Management

For many businesses, cross- and up-selling are among the most important objectives in customer management.When a customer calls a business, it seems to be the perfect time for cross- or up-selling activities.

  • May any incoming call therefore equally be seen as potential for cross- and up-selling?
  • And may cross- and up-selling also be successful if the customer has actually called in order to complain?
  • Does success depend on how long the customer had to wait in the loop?
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Tips & Tricks: Arcplan and the Libraries
Tips & Tricks: Arcplan and the Libraries

Tips & Tricks: Arcplan and the Libraries

The arcplan library is a very useful tool for coordinating the layout of reports. All objects which are extracted from a library behave equally on the reports with regard to the selection of the subsequently described properties.

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Intelligent Cross- & Up-Selling by the Use of Next Best Activity
Intelligent Cross- & Up-Selling by the Use of Next Best Activity

Intelligent Cross- & Up-Selling by the Use of Next Best Activity

The Right Offer for the Right Customer at the Perfect Time

NBA meets NBA

A successful team in the American Basketball League NBA combines four crucial characteristics:

  • the ability to work in a team
  • scoring
  • inspiration
  • passing the ball to one another

But what does that have to do with the technical concept next best activity (NBA)? This question was discussed with the participants in the course of a workshop at the Call Center Association (Call Center Verband) Spring Conference 2013. The challenges for the implementation of an NBA concept were specifically identified and ideas for solutions were developed.

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Instruction: Installing and Configuring IIS7
Instruction: Installing and Configuring IIS7

Instruction: Installing and Configuring IIS7

Step 1: Installing and Configuring IIS

Check whether IIS7 is installed

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The new functions READMETADATA() and PLACEMETADATA() offer a range of quite new possibilities to the arcplan designer. As shown in the arcCorporation Demo, data queries can be dynamically set up and modified via drag & drop.

The set-up of such a query is described below.

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Best Practice - arcplan Development Guidelines - Designing Documents
Best Practice - arcplan Development Guidelines - Designing Documents

Best Practice - arcplan Development Guidelines - Designing Documents

arcplan is a tool which poses few limits for the developer. Due to its structure, the developer is very flexible in designing his reports. This is a major advantage, as the reports can thus be very flexibly adjusted to the users' needs. However, it may quickly turn into a disadvantage, as well, as reports may contain many hundreds of objects with correspondingly many links. Without guidelines for the development, an application quickly becomes confusing and hard to maintain. In particular, this holds true for third parties or new team members, who often find it difficult to initially adapt to an application. Even the developer himself may lose the overview.

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Tips & Tricks: Switching Between Data Sources
Tips & Tricks: Switching Between Data Sources

Tips & Tricks: Switching Between Data Sources

In case of arcplan applications, it is quite common that the relational data source from which the framework data for navigation, user administration, comments etc. are extracted are located on one server for the development, test and/or production version. This complicates the switch between these databases, as almost all metadata apart from the server connection is placed in the arcplan repository. In particular, this includes the database name, which now complicates the simple switch between various databases on the same server.

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Best Practice: Do Not Extend Arrows Across Levels
Best Practice: Do Not Extend Arrows Across Levels

Best Practice: Do Not Extend Arrows Across Levels

Database queries are defined by multiple objects in arcplan. Apart from the object with the query itself, other objects define the columns, rows and filter settings. In so doing, they are able to influence themselves, as well (performance arrows, selection-based filters…)
Linking the objects for a database query is defined by the connection of the objects in the connection mode. Arrows are drawn. Even though the objects are frequently set up together, the place or the order of the objects is irrelevant for the function. These objects may even be located on various reporting levels.

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New Feature: Function REPLACEEXPRESSION()
New Feature: Function REPLACEEXPRESSION()

New Feature: Function REPLACEEXPRESSION()

With the new function REPLACEEXPRESSION, arcplan 7 affords the possibility to influence the automatically generated SQL and MDX statement. This has the benefit that a design can continue to be made with “arrows” and that one is not limited to formulas. Currently, only simple adjustments of the query are possible with this tool; however, there is a large impact on the resulting possibilities.

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Tips & Tricks: V-Lookup - Allocating Information Via Contingency Tables
Tips & Tricks: V-Lookup - Allocating Information Via Contingency Tables

Tips & Tricks: V-Lookup - Allocating Information Via Contingency Tables

arcplan offers a number of possibilities to set up a classic V-Lookup, as it is often used in Excel. One of these possibilities can be found under the blog entry Tips & Tricks: The Repeat Loop as Performance Killer.

The method described here works via the cross product of two tables and, as bulk operation,  constitutes a “Left Outer Join”, while the intersection constitutes an “Inner Join”.

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Tips & Tricks: Increasing the Speed of Master Data Requests in SAP BW
Tips & Tricks: Increasing the Speed of Master Data Requests in SAP BW

Tips & Tricks: Increasing the Speed of Master Data Requests in SAP BW

In order to ensure performant reporting based on SAP BW, it is necessary to avoid redundant requests. An important element in this context is the optimized master data request. This can be implemented particularly easily and effectively for hierarchy objects (especially menu hierarchies).

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Tips & Tricks: Checking Whether an Object Is There
Tips & Tricks: Checking Whether an Object Is There

Tips & Tricks: Checking Whether an Object Is There

In any application, there are always central functions which control a generic process. These functions request reporting-specific functions from the central area. If, for example, a report only requests data when needed, but is supposed to be directly updated when a favorite is activated, the update must be triggered by the central document.

Here, the problem arises that there may also be reports which are always up to date. In this case, the central function must not activate the button for manual update because this would not exist in this report. Thus, there would be an error report.

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