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Tips & Tricks: Checking Whether an Object Is There
Tips & Tricks: Checking Whether an Object Is There

Tips & Tricks: Checking Whether an Object Is There

In any application, there are always central functions which control a generic process. These functions request reporting-specific functions from the central area. If, for example, a report only requests data when needed, but is supposed to be directly updated when a favorite is activated, the update must be triggered by the central document.

Here, the problem arises that there may also be reports which are always up to date. In this case, the central function must not activate the button for manual update because this would not exist in this report. Thus, there would be an error report.

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Tips & Tricks: Closing an Application from within the Application
Tips & Tricks: Closing an Application from within the Application

Tips & Tricks: Closing an Application from within the Application

As in MS Word 2010, older versions than arcplan Enterprise 5 required shutting down via the menu, comparable to MS Word 2010 via “File” and “Exit”, in order to fully terminate the connections to the data base. If this is not done, objects may be locked in SAP or be unnecessarily blocked in other resources.

Since, however, this is no longer necessary as from arcplan Enterprise 5 and more recent, it is only a cosmetic process now.

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Tips & Tricks: Removing Double Entries from a Column/Row
Tips & Tricks: Removing Double Entries from a Column/Row

Tips & Tricks: Removing Double Entries from a Column/Row

When working with arcplan, there are different methods to generate a list without duplicates from a list of data with double entries. In many cases, a database consultation grouped accordingly may perform this task. Time and again, however, there are cases in which it is necessary to remove the duplicates with the assistance of arcplan functions.

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New Feature: Option "Only Transfer Modified Files" In arcplan Administrator
New Feature: Option "Only Transfer Modified Files" In arcplan Administrator

New Feature: Option "Only Transfer Modified Files" In arcplan Administrator

A small but interesting function is available in arcplan Administrator as from Version 7.

In the previous versions, all files from the local directory were always transferred to the server when an application was updated by the administrator. This may take quite a long time, in particular in case of large applications and the use of xml file format: because in this case, both the transfer to the server and the conversion into the binary file format is done for all files. And this applies even if only one single file was modified in the development.

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Tips & Tricks: The Repeat Loop as Performance Killer
Tips & Tricks: The Repeat Loop as Performance Killer

Tips & Tricks: The Repeat Loop as Performance Killer

The repeat loop is principally a quick function which only becomes noticeably slower after a few thousand processes. The current arcplan realization at allocation (as mandatory with the numerator [OBJx] := [OBJx] +1), however, results in the increase of the running time upon allocation of values  in relation to the aggregate amount of the objects of the opened documents. (This is a problem of the fundamental programming of arcplan Enterprise when identifying the object in the object stack which contains all objects of all open documents). In case of complex applications, the running time of the repeat loop is therefore much higher so that it may be running for seconds, rather than milliseconds, even in case of only few entries. Therefore, if possible, all functionalities should be implemented without repeat loop in order to ensure a good performance.

Subsequently, we provide an example which is frequently realized with the repeat loop even though there is an implementation option with other formulas.

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