New Feature: Option "Only Transfer Modified Files" In arcplan Administrator

New Feature: Option "Only Transfer Modified Files" In arcplan Administrator

A small but interesting function is available in arcplan Administrator as from Version 7.

In the previous versions, all files from the local directory were always transferred to the server when an application was updated by the administrator. This may take quite a long time, in particular in case of large applications and the use of xml file format: because in this case, both the transfer to the server and the conversion into the binary file format is done for all files. And this applies even if only one single file was modified in the development.


In particular from the point of view of a developer, this is disadvantageous if he wants to test a new development or bug fix online, because multiple iterations are additionally required to do this. As from version 7, the Administrator offers the new option: "Only Transfer Modified Files".

Option "Only Transfer Modified Files"

nur-geaenderte-Dateien übertragen

By checking this option, only the modified files are transferred to the server, so that the process of updating applications is considerably faster.

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