Web Scraping
At first, I did not feel like checking all 400 pages manually in order to find something interesting to me. So I used a trick which I have frequently used in the past, namely to automatically harvest the content of the website. This procedure is anything but new, however, within the data science community it now has a new name - Web Scraping.
It is quite likely that a data scientist has to extract data from the World Wide Web him-/herself. Therefore, I want to show how small the initial hurdle is with Python, using the example of my simple problem.
Let's Get to Work
Fortunately, the online provider uses a request method which shows the request parameters in the URL in plain language. Here is an example which I have anonymized a little
One can see that the page is referenced at two points, at _pg_1 and &page=1&. So, if I adapt those two points, I can directly iterate through all subpages.
Retrieving the Website
In order to actually read the website, we use a module which is firmly integrated in Python, namely urllib. Loading the page then looks like this (again, I have altered the URL):
from urllib import request
url_requested = request.urlopen('http://www.onlineshop.de/s/ref=lp_12345_pg_1&rh=[...]&page=1&ie=UTF8&qid=12345')
if 200 == url_requested.code:
html_content = str(url_requested.read())
One uses the request object to open the website. The HTML code is read if the code of the request is 200, the normal code for the successful retrieval of a website. We all know code 404, if the page is e.g. not found. The string function around the requested read is required to receive strings and not byte strings. This would otherwise cause us problems later.
Parsing the HTML Code
Now, as we have the HTML code of the page, we can directly scan it for CD titles and performers. Previously, I have had a direct look at the HTML code in the browser in order to detect suspicious patterns one can search for. This is how I came to notice that all titles start with <h2 class="a-size-medium a-color-null s-inline s-access-title a-text-normal"> and end with Audio CD. In between is a number of codes which are of no importance to us.
Now, we cut the respective code parts with regular expressions out of the page and save the information in a list.
import re
html_content = str(url_requested.read())
re_search_chunk = re.findall('<h2 class="a-size-medium a-color-null s-inline s-access-title a-text-normal">.*?Audio CD', html_content)
for result in re_search_chunk:
tag_contents = re.findall('>.*?<', result)
album = tag_contents[0][1:-1]
artist = tag_contents[13][1:-1]
page_content.append((album, artist))
re.findall belongs to the package for regular expressions. I use it to search for all parts in the HTML code which correspond to the above pattern, where .*? is the placeholder for any chain. Here, this place holder is "not greedy", which means it tries to match the unknown area to as little signs as possible, otherwise multiple albums would be included at the same time.
For each of the code snippets, I repeat the process using the search procedure '>.*?<' which now returns the individual contents of the tags in a "not greedy" manner. By "critically considering the code" I can recognize that the album title is saved in tag 1 (index 0) and the artist in tag 14 (index 13). In order to get rid of the brackets of the tag, we index the results to the second to second to last sign ([1:-1]).
The result is attached to my result list page_content as tuple.
Writing Off in a CSV
with open('offers.txt', 'w') as f:
for row in page_content:
print('\t'.join(row), file=f)
The last part is easy. We open a "file handle" and write each album-artist-tuple into the file separated by a tabulator. I use the print literal from Python3 which automatically inserts a line break for each print command and accepts the "file handle" as target parameter for the output.
Total Script
Of course, reading out the website has to be processed via a loop and the page numbers have to be parameterized in this process. Here is the total script:
import re
from urllib import request
for page_number in range(400):
url_requested = request.urlopen('http://www.onlineshop.de/s/ref=lp_12345_pg_{page_number}&rh=[...]&page={page_number}&ie=UTF8&qid=12345'.format(page_number=page_number+1)
if 200 == url_requested.code:
html_content = str(url_requested.read())
re_search_chunk = re.findall('<h2 class="a-size-medium a-color-null s-inline s-access-title a-text-normal">.*?Audio CD', html_content)
for result in re_search_chunk:
tag_contents = re.findall('>.*?<', result)
album = tag_contents[0][1:-1]
artist = tag_contents[13][1:-1]
page_content.append((album, artist))
with open('offers.txt', 'w') as f:
for row in page_content:
print('\t'.join(row), file=f)
That's it!
Viewing the Data
Now, I can open my file offers.txt e.g. in Excel and look at it in a pivot table. That makes it much easier for me to get an overview of the performers involved in the offer.
With less than 30 minutes, I assume it took me approximately the same time to develop the script as it would have taken me to click through the pages - but I had more fun. And, as I have written the script in form of a class with the partial steps as methods, I will probably be able to use it again for similar scenarios.