Iot Readiness Assessment - Is Your Company Ready for the Internet of Things?

Iot Readiness Assessment - Is Your Company Ready for the Internet of Things?

If your company is ever to master the challenges of the Internet of Things, the one thing you must know is your IoT maturity level. Does your company have a large number of connected devices and valuable hidden data? Have you already successfully implemented IoT data analytics to create value from your processes? Do you have sufficient expertise in data storage and the management of high-performance cloud databases? All of these questions influence how you should best approach the Internet of Things.


The b.telligent Iot Maturity Model: Where Am I and What Am I Doing Here?

Your company can be confident of a successfully implemented digital transformation using the Internet of Things when it has achieved full IoT maturity. But how does it get there? The first step is to integrate all of your organization's existing devices and enable secure device-to-device communication. In the second step, you’ll need to extend this architecture to include the company-internal ERP and MES systems. Communication between your company's various locations and with your strategic partners is critical during this phase. However, if you want to create genuine added value from your previously developed architecture, you'll need to implement targeted data analyses. We developed the b.telligent maturity model from this value chain.

Want to know where your company stands? Then do our IoT Readiness Check at the end of this article!

Infographic Iot Maturity Model

The Right Mindset Matters

Before your company can take its first successful steps on the Internet of Things, it must possess the right mindset. This is not quite as simple as it might sound. Developing IoT applications properly and managing them effectively can be a step too far for many organizations, preventing them from moving beyond the proof-of-concept stage. Successful implementation requires three things:

  1. technical expertise,
  2. the right methodologies, and
  3. a determination to secure the IoT transition.

All of this begins at management level, where the course for successful entry into the Internet of Things is charted.

The cultural aspects of an IoT transition are often underestimated. Time and again, we see that, when the management is keen to harness the power of the IoT, their enthusiasm is communicated and understood throughout the company.

Florian Stein, Consultant at b.telligent

Organizational Readiness: Are You Ready for Iot?

The strategic decision to achieve digital transformation through IoT should start with the following questions:

1. Are there already any specific use cases that make sense for my company?

It is important to prioritize the right cases. An important factor here is the replication potential of the use case. While some cases solve one specific problem and are therefore unique to the company, others can be replicated many times. A scalable use case that solves a particular problem for the first time and can subsequently be duplicated is usually a good starting point for IoT.

2. Are all my relevant stakeholders included?

The relevant stakeholders for the selected use case must be involved from the outset. Many organizations make the mistake of wanting to start a project without having decided what data they need and how often, or what processes are affected and how they will analyze the IoT data.

3. Is there enough IoT expertise within my company?

An important question to ask at the beginning of an Internet of Things use case: does the company have the required expertise in the areas shown in the IoT Adoption Framework? This is important because, if the expertise is indeed lacking, external advisors with experience of similar projects will have to be brought in to help the organization plan and implement the use case.

4. Is my organization open to changes in business processes?

Your entire company must be open to the idea of the Internet of Things. Once the project has begun, the focus must not be solely on its implementation. Training, tutorials and other support mechanisms also have an important role in facilitating rapid scaling of the enterprise-wide roll-out and ensuring long-term success.

Know Your Maturity Level and Achieve Your Goals!

Many companies already possess the right mindset and are ready to start capitalizing on the Internet of Things. They may not always know, however, exactly where to start, what areas need to be improved, and whether they should recruit external assistance. This is exactly why b.telligent has developed an IoT maturity assessment, which can be used to determine a company’s own starting point in the transition to the Internet of Things.

You want to know where your company stands? Then take the test and determine your IoT maturity level in just 5 minutes!

You can find the privacy policy for the IoT Readiness Check here.

Want To Learn More? Contact Us!

Florian Stein

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Florian Stein

Domain Lead Cloud Transformation & Data Infrastructure

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