Sap Analytics Cloud – The New Optimized Story Experience

Sap Analytics Cloud – The New Optimized Story Experience

With the Q2 2023 updated titled "New optimized story experience - unified strories and applications", SAP analytics cloud offers users new ways to develop reports and dashboards even more flexibly and easily in an integrated design enviroment. We'll showyou which new features theupdate provides and how it supports you in creating reports,


Unified Stories and Applications

At the beginning of each report development, it is necessary to determine and decide whether the standard functions of stories should be used, or whether the advanced customization options of analytics applications are needed. Conversion was hitherto not possible, so that completely new development was always necessary.

But this issue is now a thing of the past. Both report variants have been brought together in a central design environment - the optimized design experience - and the advantages of stories as well as analytics applications have been combined. All users can now develop reports and dashboards using a "design & extend" approach, and decide flexibly at any time whether or not they want to use individual coding. It is still possible to design reports and dashboards in the classic design experience, although SAP recommends using the new, optimized design experience.

Screenshot: Menu Story Design
Abbildung 1: Menu Story Design

Advanced Mode

The biggest advantage of the new optimized story experience is the ability to produce everything in a single environment including a report artifact. All users, whether designers or developers, can now collaborate via this design environment and its report artifact. Accordingly, there is no longer any need to differentiate beforehand between story and analytics application; thanks to an advanced mode, a story can be extended at any time with the functions of an analytics application. This makes development in the SAC more flexible and easier than ever before.

Screenshot Advanced Mode activated
Advanced Mode activated

In the advanced mode, users can extend their story with individual coding as well as technical objects from analytics applications. Technical objects from analytics applications include, for example:

  • Buttons
  • Drop-down menus
  • Sliders
  • Containers
  • Radio buttons and checkboxes

If required, a story can be extended on-the-fly with the scripting functionality of an analytics application. If no script functions or technical objects are required, the mode can be deactivated with one click in the tool menu, and the standard functions of stories can continue to be used. The advanced features can be activated or deactivated at any time.

„Design & Extend“ Approach

The "design & extend"  approach involves first designing a report with suitable visualizations and then extending it with individual coding if necessary. For this purpose, the simple design of stories is supplemented by flexibility through the use of individual coding from analytics applications.

Screenshot Unified design enviroment
Unified design enviroment

Die neue Art, Berichte zu erstellen, kombiniert die gewohnten Oberflächen von Stories und Analytic Applications in einer integrierten Designumgebung. Dabei wurde auf der linken Seite das funktionale Designpanel aus der Analytic-Application-Designumgebung übernommen und in drei Panels unterteilt. Deren jeweilige Funktionen werden nachfolgend kurz beschrieben:

  • Assets Panel: Dieses Panel bietet eine Übersicht über alle verfügbaren Widgets, die per Drag-and-Drop in den Story Canvas eingefügt werden können. Neu sind an dieser Stelle technische Objekte wie beispielsweise Buttons, Dropdown-Listen, Container und viele mehr, die verwendet werden können, wenn der „Advanced Mode“ in der Werkzeugleiste aktiviert ist.
  • Outline Panel: Dieses Panel bietet eine strukturierte Übersicht über alle aktuell verwendeten Widgets und hilft bei deren Verwaltung. Beispielsweise können Widgets ein- und ausgeblendet, gesperrt oder mit Coding erweitert werden. Neu an dieser Stelle ist das Sperren von Widgets, um ein Verschieben zu verhindern.
  • Vertical Filters Panel: Dieses neue Panel bietet die Möglichkeit, globale Filter, Variablen und Benutzereingaben in einem vertikalen Menü zu verwalten. Damit bietet SAP den Anwender:innen mehr Flexibilität, indem globale Filter entweder vertikal oder wie bisher horizontal dargestellt werden können.

Conversion of old reports

It is also possible to convert previous stories and analytics applications for the new design experience. Reports created with the optimized design experience before the update receive this update automatically and require no more action. Stories and analytics applications developed with the classic design approach can be converted. Users can find the conversion function in the tools menu via:

  1. Save icon
  2. Convert to optimized design experience
  3. Popup with more information and links
  4. Convert button
Screenshot Converting old reports
Converting old reports

Some limitations need to be borne in mind when converting from classic to new reports. These include:

  • Examine: Not supported
  • Predictive forecast (in tables): Not supported
  • Explorer: Replaced by data analyzer
  • Grid pages: Not supported, to be replaced with table widgets
  • Legacy-value driver tree: To be replaced with value-driver tree widget
  • Control panel: Replaced by filter panel

Most of the features above have been superseded, and are no longer supported or recommended by SAP in their previous form.

Unsupported areas and applications:

  • Digital boardroom
  • SAP data sphere integration
  • Search to insight (global search)

Unsupported model types:

  • Live universe
  • Unauthorized data models
  • Live SAP HANA models with load parent-child hierarchies independent of metadata

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