Insightsoftware: Longview

Partnership With Insightsoftware: Longview

Insightsoftware: Longview

With Longview Analytics, the needs of all areas of your company for business intelligence, planning, reporting and analytics can be implemented consistently, with pinpoint accuracy and from a single source - highly flexible, accurate, with virtually no limitations, and with significantly less effort than comparable tools.

Two images combined, left one showin two colleagues looking out of a big glass window and right part showing colleagues setting and talking around a table

Our Partnership

Impossible. Can't be done. Longview's strengths really come to the fore when users without in-depth IT knowledge need a user-friendly solution that will handle complex requirements with a large number of exceptions. Not only that, but implementation is also relatively painless. With up to 20 years of project experience, b.telligent's team of Longview experts maintain long-standing relationships with their customers and have already implemented a wide variety of solutions for all markets and industries.

Why We Are Excited About This Partnership

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Products & Services

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Longview Analytics lets you merge information from different data sources with a variety of company content. A single tool takes care of all your analysis, dashboard, reporting and planning requirements.

Longview offers a platform for many applications and requirements, with standardized interfaces to almost every popular data source. Its particular strengths are short development times, a wide variety of interfaces and high scalability - think big, start small, decide smart.

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Longview Can Be Combined With These Solutions

The solution can be implemented through b.telligent.
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Videos About the Partnership

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More About The Partnership

Howto: Cell Input Control for Planning Solutions in Longview
Howto: Cell Input Control for Planning Solutions in Longview

Howto: Cell Input Control for Planning Solutions in Longview

In Longview, after activating the cell input control function, a reference object can be used to block or allow manual inputs into cells as well as the copy & paste function.

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The Local Connection Arrow by Longview BI (formely arcplan)
The Local Connection Arrow by Longview BI (formely arcplan)

The Local Connection Arrow by Longview BI (formely arcplan)

The local connection arrow enables the restriction of structures without limiting the data at the same time. This function has been existing for many years but is easily forgotten and completely unknown by many application architects and developers. Thus, this is a blog refresh or introduce this function.

Note:arcplan Information Services GmbH has been renamed after the merger with Longview and is now Longview Europe GmbH.

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Howto: Cell Input Control for Planning Solutions in Longview
Howto: Cell Input Control for Planning Solutions in Longview

Howto: Cell Input Control for Planning Solutions in Longview

In Longview, after activating the cell input control function, a reference object can be used to block or allow manual inputs into cells as well as the copy & paste function.

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The Local Connection Arrow by Longview BI (formely arcplan)
The Local Connection Arrow by Longview BI (formely arcplan)

The Local Connection Arrow by Longview BI (formely arcplan)

The local connection arrow enables the restriction of structures without limiting the data at the same time. This function has been existing for many years but is easily forgotten and completely unknown by many application architects and developers. Thus, this is a blog refresh or introduce this function.

Note:arcplan Information Services GmbH has been renamed after the merger with Longview and is now Longview Europe GmbH.

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Christoph Klieber

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Christoph Klieber

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