
Partnership With VaultSpeed


As an expert in data warehouse automation, VaultSpeed is committed to making DWH projects faster and less error-prone. This is achieved with pattern-based automations using the Data Vault system and in combination with cloud-native components. Thus, VaultSpeed offers itself as a central tool for the development of a scalable, easily maintainable and sustainable BI architecture. VaultSpeed is headquartered in Leuven (Belgium) with offices in Seattle, Washington (USA) and Vilnius (Lithuania).

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Our Partnership

b.telligent uses VaultSpeed to automate Data Vault systems. With VaultSpeed, b.telligent can easily integrate data from a variety of systems, and it can be combined with other data loading and scheduling technologies.

Why We Are Excited About This Partnership

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Products & Services

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Data Vault Automation Platform

Data Vault Automation Platform


VaultSpeed allows the fast deployment of a data warehouse system using pattern-based Data Vault automation. Based on an easy-to-create data model in combination with source system metadata, DDL statements as well as ETL loadings can be generated quickly and automatically. Thus, VaultSpeed is an ideal tool for the development of a scalable and sustainable BI architecture.
A special feature of VaultSpeed is the ability to build a Data Vault without having to program with code. This simplifies development and allows a focus on business aspects.

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Vaultspeed Can Be Combined With These and Other Solutions

The solution can be implemented through b.telligent.
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More About The Partnership

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Success Stories

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Case Studies

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We're technology-neutral vis a vis our direct partner network and the technology market as a whole; we're guided solely by what works best for you.

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We know each partner in our extensive network individually and will select a solution that reflects your challenges, your infrastructure, and the legal situation in your country.

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We offer end-to-end support – from selection, evaluation, purchasing and implementation, through to operational management.

About Us

What drives us? Working together, tackling challenging projects together, finding solutions together. Want to learn more about b.telligent and our values and beliefs?

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Your Contact Person

Peer M. Carlson

Principal Consultant

Peer M. Carlson

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