20 Years of b.telligent – The Data Experts Celebrate Two Decades of Successful Consulting

20 Years of b.telligent – The Data Experts Celebrate Two Decades of Successful Consulting



Munich, 5th August, 2024 – b.telligent, the technology-independent consultancy for data management and analytics, is celebrating its 20th anniversary. Since its founding in 2004, b.telligent has developed into one of the leading specialized IT service providers in the DACH (Germany/Austria/Switzerland) region. The consultancy supports companies in all project phases – from data strategy and concept to implementation and advancement of modern data-management and analytics solutions. With over 300 employees at ten locations in Germany, Austria, Romania and Switzerland, b.telligent has been successfully facilitated digitization and optimization of data-driven business processes for hundreds of companies - and has also set itself a lofty goal for the coming years: b.telligent wants to become nothing less than the leading specialized IT consultancy for data in Europe.

Proud Of Two Decades Of Successful Entrepreneurship

Sebastian Amtage and Klaus Blaschek, the managing directors and founders of b.telligent, look back at launch in 2004 with great pleasure. "It's really fulfilling to see that our idea, which started in a small office in gate, Garching, has grown into such a remarkable enterprise," says Amtage. "We are particularly proud of our fantastic team, which has made this success possible with great dedication, passion and commitment."Blaschek adds: "The feeling of knowing that we have such a good reputation on the market among our customers and partners and that some of the companies have relied on us for 20 years means a lot to us."

Continuous Development And Expansion

b.telligent has also been consistent and visionary in terms of corporate development: In addition to spin-offs and new locations, investments in strategically relevant companies have become an important part of b.telligent's growth strategy. b.telligent Switzerland was founded in Zurich in 2009 and significantly strengthened in 2021 by Caspar von Stülpnagel and Sandro von Ins with the Basel office. The spin-off of Synabi Business Solutions, as well as investments in promising companies such as MyCom GmbH, geodata specialist Crosswind and the digital agency Berlin Bytes are further examples of how b.telligent has gradually expanded its network in the data sector over the years. In 2022, a new managing director, Klaus-Dieter Schulze, joined the German management team. The same year, the enterprise was restructured into a holding in anticipation of further growth. The latest expansions include a merger with Emnos Analytics, founding of a new software company Zeitgaist, as well as new locations in Austria, Romania and Portugal.

Growing And Sustainable Customer Relationships

In line with the enterprise's growth, the Munich-based data specialist has also developed exceptionally in terms of its projects and clients. From 2008 to 2024, the customer base grew from 15 to around 300 companies. Especially pleasing: Roughly half of these clients still rely on the expertise and sustained support of b.telligent's team after this time. In addition to data expertise, openness to technology and consistent customer focus, it is often customer recommendation which ensures that b.telligent is active in almost all sectors, for medium-sized companies as well as international corporations. Just recently, the Handelsblatt 2024 ranking picked b.telligent as one of the top management consultancies of 2024 in eight fields of consulting: Banking & financial services, energy sector, health care & pharmaceuticals, consumer goods & retail, travel & tourism, technology, media & telecommunications, transport & logistics and insurance.

Outstanding achievements and recognitions

The fact that b.telligent is not only superlative in data consulting but also in responsibility for personnel is proven by the many awards of the last 20 years. b.telligent has repeatedly been named a "great place to work" – in 2024 also for the first time in Switzerland. In addition, b.telligent secured first place as the best AI-consultancy and an impressive third place in the category of data analytics in the renowned brandeins ranking. b.telligent is also committed to social and ecological responsibility. The company has been balancing its CO2 footprint for several years, and promotes gender equality through a variety of part-time models, as well as women in management positions. As a member of the UN Global Compact and via various fund-raising campaigns, b.telligent supports social initiatives and NGOs.

Outlook and Objectives

In the coming years, b.telligent plans to continue its growth course and, in addition to growing organically, at the same time invest in acquisitions and stakes. In the medium term, the company intends to go public in order to consolidate the enterprise group's independence. Another focus is on internationalization in Europe, with the goal of becoming a leading specialized IT consultancy in the field of data in Europe. In this context, b.telligent is engaged intensively in an ongoing response to the shortage of skilled workers through innovative training programs and attractive working conditions.

All in all, it can be said that Sebastian Amtage and Klaus Blaschek, with their bold decision to become self-employed 20 years ago, have managed to set up a strong company which has been able to establish itself as one of the most important players in the data scene.

Become Part Of Our Success Story

About b.telligent

b.telligent is a technology-independent consultancy specializing in analytics and data management. With over 400 employees at ten locations in Germany, Austria, Romania, and Switzerland, b.telligent supports companies throughout the entire data value chain – from strategy and analysis to design and implementation, right through to operational management and the continued development of their solutions. The company's services focus on optimizing business processes, as well as customer and supplier relationships.

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Andrea Beier
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