b.telligent Is One of the “Top Management Consultancies”

b.telligent Is One of the “Top Management Consultancies”



Munich, 17. July 2024 – b.telligent, one of the leading consultancies for data & analytics, has been voted one of the best management consultancies in the Handelsblatt ranking for 2024. In a total of eight consulting fields, the company is now one of Germany's top consultancies.*

A Big Thank You To The Whole Team!

"This result makes us very proud and at the same time proves that we have a highly experienced and competent team of consultants at the ready," according to Sebastian Amtage, one of the two founders and managing directors of b.telligent, today in Munich. Co-founder and managing director, Klaus Blaschek, adds:"It's really great to see so many consulting fields in which we have been able to successfully contribute our expertise in data analysis and data management. Huge thanks go out to the whole team!" b.telligent's continual development over the last 20 years since its founding is certainly also a reason for the consistent success of the consulting service and the good reputation which b.telligent can claim among renowned companies in Europe.

According to the Handelsblatt ranking for 2024, b.telligent is one of the top consultancies in the following eight consulting fields:

·  Banks & financial-service providers

·  Energy industry

·  Health care & pharmaceuticals

·  Consumer goods & retail

·  Travel & tourism

·  Technology, media & telecommunication

·  Transport & logistics

·  Insurances

Klaus-Dieter Schulze, managing director of b.telligent emphasizes: "Of course, we are also strong in many other sectors and consulting fields. After all, the topic of smart data analysis and utilization is one of the most important keys to success for any accomplished company today." And its success proves the consulting firm right. More information about smart data analysis, data utilization and consulting can be found here:www.btelligent.com

*About the methodology:

The Handelsblatt Research Institute (HRI) initially identified a peer group of 15,700 management consultants from over 335 enterprises. These participants were then asked about the most renowned companies in their respective consulting fields.

Become Part Of Our Success Story

About b.telligent

b.telligent is a technology-independent consultancy specializing in analytics and data management. With over 400 employees at ten locations in Germany, Austria, Romania, and Switzerland, b.telligent supports companies throughout the entire data value chain – from strategy and analysis to design and implementation, right through to operational management and the continued development of their solutions. The company's services focus on optimizing business processes, as well as customer and supplier relationships.

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Andrea Beier
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