brand eins Ranking: b.telligent Again “Best Consultant”

brand eins Ranking: b.telligent Again “Best Consultant”



Munich, 18th March 2021 – Distinguished for the sixth time in a row: b.telligent, the consulting firm for data & analytics, is again one of "Germany's best consultants" this year. This was the conclusion reached by the business magazine brand eins and the statistics portal Statista, based on ratings by industry experts and customers. In the category of "data analytics and big data", b.telligent secured a prominent 11th place this year.

"Thinking innovatively and differently" is the credo of the brand eins survey titled "Germany's best management consultants" in 2021. No wonder, considering that this sector has also suffered from the previous year's effects. A total of 307 consulting companies and seven other consulting networks were able to secure a position in the coveted ranking this year. For the eighth time now, the business magazine and market researcher Statista have jointly surveyed the management consultancy market – and for the sixth time in a row, b.telligent has made it onto the list in the area of "data analytics & big data" in 2021 as well.

A sprint forward: b.telligent directly advances 5 positions this year

"This year has been an extraordinary one for all of us. A lot of what is common in a consultant's everyday life – travel, direct customer contact, etc. – had to be put on hold," says b.telligent founder and managing director Klaus Blaschek. "It is all the more pleasing that, even during this period of crisis, we were able to prove our stability to customers as well as partners and market companions – this year's ranking is confirmation." A source of particular satisfaction: In the area of "client assessment" b.telligent was able to improve even further this year, advancing by a whole five points to 11th place. "Such a good rating in the brand eins ranking of the best management consultancies makes us proud," says Sebastian Amtage, co-founder and managing director of b.telligent. "By proving to be an independent assessment of customers and experts in the industry, it is thus an important indicator – for us, for customers, and for applicants."

About the methodology

brand eins and Statista will continue to use a proven process in 2021, and analyse consulting firms in a total of 16 industries and 18 areas of work. The aim is to make the consultancy market more lucid and transparent. The survey consists of two phases and participant groups. In the first step this year, 8049 partners, principals and project managers submitted their recommendations for consultancy firms in individual sectors and departments – self-nominations were excluded. After that, more than 1,000 senior executives at companies which collaborated with consultancies in the past year were presented with a list of companies to be rated in these areas. Taking into account the previous year's results, the brand eins list of Germany's best management consultants in 2021 ultimately emerged from these different perspectives. More on Germany's best management consultants in 2021 can be found here.

About b.telligent

b.telligent is a technology-independent consultancy specializing in analytics and data management. With over 400 employees at ten locations in Germany, Austria, Romania, and Switzerland, b.telligent supports companies throughout the entire data value chain – from strategy and analysis to design and implementation, right through to operational management and the continued development of their solutions. The company's services focus on optimizing business processes, as well as customer and supplier relationships.

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