Originally launched in Munich, World of Data (WoD) now takes place alternately in Munich and Switzerland on an annual basis.
Plenty Of Insights Into The World of Data Utilization
World of Data is one of the highlights of the data season. b.telligent is expecting at least 850 participants who will be able to find out about the latest trends in the data world via around 30 presentations and more than 20 exhibitors. "For me, the best thing about World of Data is that we bring the whole data community together every year to discuss the latest developments, share experiences and learn from best practices of large companies," says Sebastian Amtage, founder and managing director of b.telligent. And Klaus Blaschek, also founder and managing director, adds: "The fact that we are always able to win new top-class partners and customers proves to us that we are absolutely right with our idea of bundling knowledge and creating a platform for exchange." This year too, many well-known enterprises and partners will once again be present at WoD: ProSiebenSat.1 Media, Renk, Miele, DFL Digital Sports, FC Bayern Munich and many more.
Top Football Meets Rock Stars
Just in time for the European Football Championship in Munich, b.telligent was able to obtain something special for commencement of WoD: "The fact that we were able to win Stefan Mennerich, director of media and communications at FC Bayern Munich as a great opening speaker for WoD, is not only pleasing to the football fans in the team," says Klaus-Dieter Schulze, managing director of b.telligent. With Annabell Whitney, the event will also present an internationally sought entrepreneur and keynote speaker who will make interesting comparisons between companies, data and rock stars.
The early-bird ticket is available to interested visitors until 17th May.
All information, dates and the agenda can be found at www.worldofdata.com.