b.telligent Rated “One of Germany’s Best Consultants” for the Fifth Successive Year

b.telligent Rated “One of Germany’s Best Consultants” for the Fifth Successive Year



Munich, 31. March 2020 – b.telligent, the management consultancy for data & analytics, has once again been selected as one of "Germany's best consultants" by the business magazine brand eins and the statistics portal statista. The favorable rating was based on recommendations from other consulting firms and endorsements by customers. This is the fifth time in succession that b.tellignt has received an award in the "Data analytics and big data" category.

This year, a total of 309 companies and eight consultant networks made it onto the list of brand eins and statista. It is divided into 16 sectors and 18 specialist fields. b.telligent has been ranked among the best consulting companies in Germany in the specialist field of "Data Analytics & Big Data" since 2016, making this year the fifth time in a row.

Independent ratings carry great weight

b.telligent managing directors Sebastian Amtage and Klaus Blaschek are delighted to have received this award once again: "For our consulting teams, the award is a valuable confirmation of their work. The views of our colleagues in the industry and our customers paint a comprehensive picture," says Amtage. "It is very important for us to know that we enjoy the confidence of both our industry colleagues and our customers," adds Blaschek. We therefore really appreciate this award."

b.telligent has over 15 years of experience in numerous projects in a variety of industries, a large partner network, and a highly skilled workforce. Customers appreciate the constructive approach taken by b.telligent consultants: "They often tell is that they are impressed by our concept of empowering our customers," explains Blaschek. "This is because our teams seek to implement solutions that the customer can then manage on their own.

The methodology

As the statistical process for generating the ranking of consultants has proven itself in previous years, it remained unchanged in 2020. The first step saw 2,089 partners and principals of relevant consulting firms submitting their recommendations for firms in the various consulting categories. They were free to nominate any company apart from their own. The second step was a customer survey of approximately 1,500 senior managers. The list of the best was based on the opinions expressed by both of the groups surveyed, which revealed exactly who (like b.telligent) had an excellent reputation in the market and had succeeded in impressing both their customers and their competitors.

About b.telligent

b.telligent is a technology-independent consultancy specializing in analytics and data management. With over 400 employees at ten locations in Germany, Austria, Romania, and Switzerland, b.telligent supports companies throughout the entire data value chain – from strategy and analysis to design and implementation, right through to operational management and the continued development of their solutions. The company's services focus on optimizing business processes, as well as customer and supplier relationships.

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