b.telligent Is Once Again A "Great Place to Work®“

b.telligent Is Once Again A "Great Place to Work®“



Munich, 19th June 2024 – b.telligent, one of the leading consultancies for data and analytics, has once again been certified as one of the best employers in Germany in 2024. Particularly nice: The consultancy has now also received the prestigious award for the first time for its Swiss locations in Zurich and Basel. Every year, the international research and consulting institute Great Place to Work® honors companies which stand out for their corporate and workplace culture. b.telligent has improved again this year and occupies list positions in four categories in Germany and Switzerland.

Great Place to Work® In Germany And Switzerland

The daily work of many people has changed a lot in recent years. The proportion of home offices has increased, and tightly scheduled video conferences are the order of the day. "The fact that we have once again managed to be a "Great Place to Work" in such a challenging environment makes us particularly proud," says Klaus-Dieter Schulze, managing director of b.telligent Germany. "This award is a reflection of the good atmosphere which prevails at our company and which has always been extremely important to us," adds Julia Querndt, team lead of human resources at b.telligent, who accepted the award in Cologne together with Klaus-Dieter Schulze. For b.telligent, the very good performance is both a pleasure and an incentive. Since its foundation 20 years ago, the consultancy has placed great emphasis on being constantly receptive, and truly responding, to its team's needs and wishes.

"The award recognizes sincere management which works fairly and respectfully with employees, a high level of identification among employees, and a strong team spirit at the company," said Andreas Schubert, managing director at Great Place to Work®, at the award ceremony. b.telligent was able to secure each award in the corresponding size category* in Germany and Switzerland:

"Great Place to Work®" Certifications For b.telligent Germany:

  • 6th place in "Bavaria's best employers"
  • 6th place in "Best ICT employers"
  • 10th place in "Germany's best employers"

"Great Place to Work®" Certifications For b.telligent Switzerland:

  • 12th place in "Best workplacesTM Switzerland"

"The fact that we have also been among the top employers in Switzerland this year is simply great. It shows us that we have been on the right track with our corporate values for 20 years," says Klaus Blaschek, founder and managing director of b.telligent and b.telligent Switzerland. He adds: "In addition to professional and committed work, what simply counts for us is fair and open mutual dealings, sustainable action and job satisfaction. Thanks to our great team for seeing it the same way and for enjoying working with us! That makes us very happy."

Already in 2009, b.telligent opened its Zurich office as its first international location. In 2021, the Basel location was added. Since then, b.telligent has had a great success story in Switzerland, and been able to attract excellent specialists in addition to numerous well-known clients. The number of employees has risen from 14 to over 60 colleagues. New, modern offices were allocated to them at both locations just last year – ideal for driving the Swiss team's growth.

* Size category of b.telligent Germany: 251-500 staff. Size category of b.telligent Switzerland: 50-99 staff

Would you like to work for one of Germany's best employers and become part of the b.telligent team? Or are you looking for a new challenge in Switzerland? Then take a look at our vacancies.

Would you like to work for one of Germany's best employers and become part of the b.telligent team?

Then take alook at our vacancies.

About b.telligent

b.telligent is a technology-independent consultancy specializing in analytics and data management. With over 400 employees at ten locations in Germany, Austria, Romania, and Switzerland, b.telligent supports companies throughout the entire data value chain – from strategy and analysis to design and implementation, right through to operational management and the continued development of their solutions. The company's services focus on optimizing business processes, as well as customer and supplier relationships.

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Andrea Beier
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