b.telligent and genesee academy Enter Into a Partnership

b.telligent and genesee academy Enter Into a Partnership



Munich, 25th May 2023 – With immediate effect, the Genesee Academy is part of b.telligent’s partner network. It’s an international provider of training and certification in the areas of Data Vault, data modeling, data integration, as well as data warehousing and business intelligence. The starting signal falls now:Use this opportunity to benefit from the partnership!

“We are very happy about our partnership with Genesee Academy! The training courses and certifications are based on state-of-the-art techniques, and enable all participants to achieve their learning objectives individually yet effectively, and this is exactly what b.telligent has in mind,” says managing director K-D Schulze. Klaus Blaschek, founder and managing director of b.telligent adds: “We are proud to be able to include one of the world’s leading providers of training and certification for Data Vault in our network.” “Our partner network continues to grow, and the partnership with Genesee Academy not only opens up new opportunities for us, but will also benefit our customers! We are excited about the future with our strong partner network and look forward to everything coming our way,” says founder and managing director Sebastian Amtage.

Genesee Academy: Training & certification center

Since 2006, Genesee Academy, with its headquarters in Golden (Colorado, USA) and its European head office in Stockholm, has been offering its courses in many countries around the world.

The educational programs are based on state-of-the-art techniques to optimize the learning experience, and are designed such that each participant achieves the desired learning goals as effectively as possible. Genesee Academy achieves this through a use of tailored, blended instruction involving lectures, exercises in small groups, interactive cases, modeling exercises, as well as online video courses and assessments.

About b.telligent

b.telligent is a technology-independent consultancy specializing in analytics and data management. With over 400 employees at ten locations in Germany, Austria, Romania, and Switzerland, b.telligent supports companies throughout the entire data value chain – from strategy and analysis to design and implementation, right through to operational management and the continued development of their solutions. The company's services focus on optimizing business processes, as well as customer and supplier relationships.

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Franziska Schelter
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