A Sensational Result: b.telligent Ranks 1st Among The Best AI-Consultancies

A Sensational Result: b.telligent Ranks 1st Among The Best AI-Consultancies



Munich, 25th March 2024 – For the first time, b.telligent climbs to the top of the podium in the category titled "Best consultants in Germany" . The company takes first place in the field of consulting about artificial intelligence. This result is complemented by a splendid third place in the category of data analytics. The ranking comes from the business magazine brand eins and is compiled in cooperation with the statistics portal Statista on the basis of evaluations by industry experts and clients.

This year, a total of 298 companies and 11 consultancy networks made it onto the renowned brand eins list of the best which has been determined for 11 years. Since 2016, b.telligent has regularly been one of the top consultants in the field of data analytics & big data.

It Doesn't Get Any Better: b.telligent Ranks First Among The Best AI Consultancies In Germany!

Artificial intelligence has arrived at enterprises. A careful examination of the topic is required here: How can AI be used sensibly, what is the relevance of security and data protection in this respect, and which potentials can companies identify for themselves in terms of data analysis and utilization. This is where consultants come into play as advisors and partners, and it is worth taking a close look when choosing a service provider. The brand eins leaderboard is designed to help make a good decision. "The fact that we have made it to number one among AI consultants in Germany this year makes us incredibly proud and happy," says b.telligent managing director Klaus-Dieter Schulze. "We owe this fantastic result to the trust of our wonderful clients, partners and market companions. A big thank you for that."

b.telligent Relies On A Professional And Passionate Team Of Consultants

Sebastian Amtage, founder and managing director of b.telligent is enthusiastic: "It's really great that we are being awarded for two topics which we are passionate about and in which we absolutely see the future! A big thank you goes out to the whole b.telligent crew and our highly dedicated and professional consulting teams!" Klaus Blaschek, founder and managing director of b.telligent adds: "What a mega result! This ranking based on independent evaluations by brand eins and Statista truly encourages us to drive our vision forward with a lot of heart and soul: Namely, to turn our clients into winners of the digitization and data economies. And now it's time to celebrate!"

About The Methodology

brand eins and Statista have continued to use a proven process in 2024, and analysed consultancies in a total of 17 sectors and 21 departments. The aim is to make the consultancy market more lucid and transparent. The survey consists of two phases and participant groups. In the first step this year, 6,912 partners and principals submitted their recommendations for consultancy firms in individual sectors and departments – self-nominations were excluded. Selected subsequently were 1,500 senior executives from companies and more than 240 senior executives from DAX, M-DAX, S-DAX and Tec-DAX enterprises, who have worked with consultancies in the past year. For each sector / consultancy field, the respondents received a list of management consultancies proposed for evaluation. Taking into the account previous year's outcome, these different perspectives ultimately resulted in the brand eins list of best management consultants in Germany 2024. Details concerning methodology and results can be found here.

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About b.telligent

b.telligent is a technology-independent consultancy specializing in analytics and data management. With over 400 employees at ten locations in Germany, Austria, Romania, and Switzerland, b.telligent supports companies throughout the entire data value chain – from strategy and analysis to design and implementation, right through to operational management and the continued development of their solutions. The company's services focus on optimizing business processes, as well as customer and supplier relationships.

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